Sarawak Bomba to rejuvenate 20 inactive auxiliary firefighting teams this year

Tiong (front row, centre) and Bomba personnel pose for a photo during the Monthly Assembly and Fire Safety Campaign for Hari Gawai Dayak 2024 at Sarawak Bomba headquarters in Jalan Setia Raja, Kuching on May 29, 2024. Photo credit: Sarawak Public Communications Unit

By Shikin Louis

KUCHING, May 29: Sarawak Fire and Rescue Department (Bomba) plans to rejuvenate inactive Pasukan Bomba Sukarela (PBS) or auxiliary firefighter teams in Sarawak this year.

Sarawak Bomba acting director Tiong Ling Hii said a total of 58 PBS teams had been established across Sarawak but only 38 are still active today.


“The PBS teams became inactive due to changes in leadership which led to them being de-registered by the Registrar of Societies (ROS).

“They need to meet and set up a committee to be registered under ROS.

“It was also difficult for us (Sarawak Bomba) to channel the RM3,000 yearly grant (to them) due to inactive bank accounts,” he said after officiating at the Monthly Assembly and Fire Safety Campaign in conjunction with Hari Gawai Dayak 2024 at the Sarawak Bomba headquarters on Jalan Setia Raja here today.

He also stressed that the role of PBS teams is very important to assist Sarawak Bomba to meet the standard of a response time of below 10 minutes, especially in rural areas. — DayakDaily
