KUCHING, June 13: The full text of State Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) chairman Baru Bian’s Hari Raya Aidilfitri message is reproduced below.
Sharing our blessings
As our Muslim community observes the fasting month of Ramadan, they are encouraged to seek forgiveness and to practise charity. The purpose of fasting during Ramadan is to try to discipline oneself and to focus on the spiritual instead of the temporal. At the same time, Muslims are encouraged to do good, and especially to help those who are less fortunate.
This is an appropriate time to reflect on what has happened in our country these recent weeks. The previous government was voted out because ordinary Malaysians could not accept the level of corruption that has caused us much shame and anger. Our former leader is now being investigated for looting the nation’s wealth. The extent of corruption that is being revealed shows that the greed of some humans has no limit. Many of us wonder why and how this could have happened. Why are some people never contented with what they have?
The spiritual discipline exercised during Ramadan includes showing empathy with those who are suffering and understanding of those who are less fortunate. In the same way, we hope that those in power now, especially those in government, will not forget the ordinary citizens who put them there. We must always remember where we came from, and in that way, it is easier for us to be grateful for the blessings which are given to us, and to share with those who are experiencing hard times.
If the wealth that was looted from the country had been shared with the poor, imagine how our people and the leaders would have been blessed. It is now for the new leaders to show the people that the government can have a heart for the people too, and that the people’s welfare is always the prime consideration of the government.
As we move with great anticipation into the era of a ‘New Malaysia’, I would like to wish my Muslim friends and fellow citizens ‘Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri, Maaf Zahir Batin’.
— DayakDaily