Sarawak prepares 1,500 volunteers for Para Sukma XXI Sarawak 2024 with comprehensive training

Tan during an interview session with Red FM in Kuching on July 25, 2024. Photo credit: Ukas

By DayakDaily Team

KUCHING, July 25: In preparation for the 21st Para Malaysia Games (Sukma XXI) Sarawak 2024, 1,500 volunteers will undergo comprehensive training to ensure their readiness and capability to support the event.

According to a Sarawak Public Communication Unit (Ukas) news report, Datu Felicia Tan Ya Hua, Permanent Secretary to the Ministry of Women, Early Childhood, and Community Wellbeing Development (KPWK) Sarawak, announced that some volunteers, particularly those based in Kuching, have already received training.


The remaining volunteers, who will be new recruits, are registering with the Department of Youth and Sports.

“For the basic training of volunteers, the Para Sukma XXI will have two series.

“The first training series is scheduled from Aug 31 to Sept 1, and the second will follow from Sept 7 to Sept 8,” she was quoted as saying.

Tan made these remarks when met by reporters after an interview session with Red FM here today.

She further emphasised the importance of community support, urging all Sarawakians to rally behind the Para Sukma athletes as they strive to reclaim the championship title for Sarawak.

“This year, Sarawak aims to secure the championship with the spirit of ‘agi hidup, agi ngelaban’ (still alive, still fighting). Go Sarawak, go for gold,” she said.

The Para Sukma XXI Sarawak 2024 will be held from Sept 21 to Sept 28 at various venues in Kuching, occurring a month after the conclusion of Sukma. — DayakDaily
