Sarawak disaster management committee on standby, weather conditions predicted to worsen

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By DayakDaily Team

KUCHING, March 22: The Sarawak State Disaster Management Committee (SDMC) has been instructed to be on high alert, with weather conditions expected to deteriorate over the next few days which could lead to flooding in several areas across the State.

According to a news report by TVS, its chairman Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas, said that swift action and cooperation between agencies are key to ensuring the safety and well-being of the people during a disaster.


“Floods like those in Sibu, Kapit, and Kanowit occurred suddenly. This incident happened unexpectedly.

“The situation in Batang Rajang, for example, is quite concerning and we have opened several Temporary Evacuation Centers (PPS) to accommodate victims if evacuation is necessary,” he was reported by TVS as saying to members of the media after visiting the Pan Borneo Jakar segment project today.

“I have instructed all division disaster secretariats to be prepared for any eventuality. The Sarawak government, through SDMC, is always committed to providing the best services for the people,” he added.

Residents in low-lying and flood-prone areas are urged to stay informed about weather conditions, and remain vigilant for rising floodwaters, as well as adhere to guidance issued by the government or relevant disaster management agencies.

Meanwhile, earlier today, the Malaysian Meteorological Department (MetMalaysia) issued a warning that wind convergence is expected to occur on the east coast of the Peninsular, northern Sarawak, and eastern Sabah on March 23 to 24, 2025.

This situation has the potential to bring in thunderstorms along with heavy rain for an extended period in the area.

Earlier this week, the department announced that the Inter-Monsoon Phase is expected to begin on March 25 and will continue through May 2025, with Sarawak among areas likely to experience heavy rains and thunderstorms. – DayakDaily
