Masing backs PDP chief Tiong for targetting Health DG in Parliament

Tan Sri Dr James Jemut Masing

KUCHING, Nov 12: PRS president Tan Sri Dr James Jemut Masing today defended PDP president Datuk Seri Tiong King Sing in urging the Health of Ministry (MoH) director-general (DG) Tan Sri Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah to go to the ground so as to know the best solution in tackling the third wave of Covid-19 pandemic throughout the country.

Using an analogy of the army whereby the general would normally go to the battlefield in order to draw and plan the best strategy to fight the enemy, in this case, the Covid-19.

“Datuk Seri Tiong has a point. In a new battlefield of fighting Covid-19 pandemic, the general involving in the fight must familiarise himself with the ground situations. In this way the leader can feel and see for himself the hardship his soldiers are facing as the frontliners in fighting Covid-19,” Masing said in a statement issued here today.


Masing stressed that Tiong’s criticism could have been uttered in a much better manner.

Tiong King Sing took health DG to task for failing to go on the ground

“But his point is made. And if indeed the DG didn’t go to the ground zero, my argument still stands….as a general, he must see the battlefield where his soldiers are fighting the enemies,” Masing reiterated.

Masing was commenting on Tiong’s assertion yesterday that he (Tiong) has no malicious intent to target the Ministry of Health (MoH) director-general Tan Sri Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah but instead asking how MoH could tackle the spike of Covid-19 cases in the country.

Tiong had asked why Dr Noor Hisham did not go to Sabah to better understand the situation there due to the recent spike of Covid-19 cases, rather than making a daily update on Covid-19 telecast live on television.

In highlighting the issue, Tiong caused a heated argument with RSN Rayer (PH-Jelutong) who demanded an apology from Tiong for criticising a civil servant.

“Don’t criticise the DG. He is a frontliner,” Rayer said, raising his voice over his microphone which had been muted by Deputy Speaker Datuk Seri Azalina Othman Said. She then instructed Rayer to be silent, and after several warnings, he (Rayer) was asked to leave the hall. – DayakDaily
