Solar panels covering 60 pct of Batang Ai dam’s 8,500-hectare lake surface could generate 2,000MW of power

Abang Johari (second right) and other guests taking a closer look at the solar panels installed on the Batang Ai reservoir during a visit on June 20, 2024. Photo credit: Sarawak Information Department

By Karen Bong

LUBOK ANTU, June 20: The Batang Ai dam, with a reservoir area of about 8,500 hectares, has the potential to generate up to 2,000 megawatts (MW) or 2 gigawatts (GW) of solar power if 60 per cent of the lake surface is covered in solar panels.

Premier of Sarawak Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Abang Johari Tun Openg has urged Sarawak Energy Berhad to conduct research and study this proposal to harvest energy from the sun and further enhance Batang Ai dam’s power generation capacity for future needs.


Currently, construction is ongoing for the 50MW floating solar farm spread across 190 hectares, or three per cent of the total lake surface. This project will transform Batang Ai into Malaysia’s first major hybrid power generation facility, combining hydro and solar, and boosting its capacity to 158MW from the current 108MW generated through hydro.

“Batang Ai has 8,500 hectares of lake surface area, and the floating solar farm currently uses only 80 hectares, which is less than two per cent of the lake surface.

“There is substantial space to increase our solar power generation. I have done my personal calculations. If we use 60 per cent of the lake surface, there is potential to generate 2,000MW of power,” he said in a press conference after visiting the floating solar farm today. A recording of the press conference was made available to the media.

Abang Johari emphasised that there is significant opportunity present with keen investors, especially from the private sector including foreign investors, in the effort to enhance Sarawak’s renewable energy resources.

“We have amended the law that allows the private sector to invest in the renewable energy sector in Sarawak.

“I have asked Sarawak Energy to look into this proposal and I believe by then, there will be better solutions, particularly for power storage as technology advances,” he said.

Abang Johari also congratulated all of Sarawak Energy’s staff for their hard work in realising the floating solar project, which is set to be Malaysia’s largest once completed.

“We were mingling just now and it is said that Batang Ai is no longer just a hydroelectric dam (HEP) but now known as AHS – aqua for fish, hydro and solar,” he added.

The Batang Ai floating solar farm is now 35 per cent complete and on track for commissioning by the end of October this year.

Also present during the working visit were Minister of Utility and Telecommunication Dato Sri Julaihi Narawi, Deputy Minister of Energy and Environment Sustainability Datuk Dr Hazland Abang Hipni, Deputy Sarawak Secretary (Economic Planning and Development) Datu Dr Muhammad Abdullah Zaidel, Deputy Minister for International Trade, Industry and Investment Datuk Malcolm Mussen Lamoh, Lubok Antu MP Roy Angau Gingkoi, Sarawak Energy CEO Datuk Sharbini Suhaili, China Power International Holdings chairman He Xi, Base Floating Solar Sdn Bhd chairman Zhao Yong Gang and Sri Aman Resident Mahra Salleh. — DayakDaily
