“Mun malas, neh ada nasibnya”: Premier slams critics jealous of Sarawak’s progress

Abang Johari delivering his speech at the "Melanggar Meja" ceremony for Subis District at the open hall of Waterfront Phase 2 in Sepupok Niah on May 29, 2024.

By Karen Bong

KUCHING, May 29: “Mun malas, neh ada nasibnya” (those who shirk effort often blame their fate), remarked Premier of Sarawak Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Abang Johari Tun Openg in lambasting the comments by certain individuals who are jealous of Sarawak’s leap of progress and strides in success and achievements today.

He was referring to recent online articles targeting and criticising Sarawak’s tenacious efforts to advance.


Highlighting a recent report by Department of Statistics Malaysia (DOSM) indicating Sarawak as the second top exporter among five states in Malaysia, Abang Johari asserted that this achievement comes from relentless hard work, not mere chance.

“We (Sarawak) do not rely on luck,” he declared, in emphasising the concerted efforts of his team, including ministers and elected representatives in driving Sarawak’s success.

Referring to criticism regarding Sarawak’s initiatives in the oil and gas sector, particularly Petroleum Sarawak Berhad (Petros), Abang Johari reiterated Sarawak’s rightful claim based on constitutional provisions and Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63).

“Petros was established to enable Sarawak’s direct and active participation in the oil and gas sector which is done based on the Constitution and our deserving rights under Malaysia Agreement.

“We did not grab from others. I have often mentioned that, if it is our rights, it rightfully belonged to us. If it is others’ rights, we will not infringe them. It is a sin to grab from others’ rights,” he said when speaking at the “Melanggar Meja” ceremony in conjunction with Hari Raya Aidilfitri 2024 for Subis District at the open hall of Waterfront Phase 2 in Sepupok Niah here tonight.

Abang Johari stressed that today’s positive outcomes reflect the fruits of hard work in transforming Sarawak’s economy, resulting in a significant revenue increase to RM13 billion in 2023.

This substantial sum, he said, will be reinvested into the community through vital development projects, particularly in rural Sarawak where much remains to be accomplished.

“It is not cheap to build roads. The plans for road construction and upgrading in Sibuti alone required over RM100 million. It is our money, not others’ money.

“That’s why I have to work harder to secure more funds. Fortunately, we are blessed to see our revenue rise. There is possibility for futher growth this year,” he elaborated.

Given Sarawak’s robust financial performance, Abang Johari emphasised the critical importance of prudent financial management for Sarawak, highlighting the necessity to avoid wasteful spending.

He underscored that this prudent approach prompted the establishment of a sovereign wealth fund, aimed at securing the future prosperity of generations to come in Sarawak.

Meanwhile, Sarawak is one of five states dominating Malaysia’s exports in April 2024, accounting for 81.9 per cent of the country’s total exports of RM114.7 billion.

The increase in exports was attributed to the higher exports in most states, including Selangor (+RM3.0 billion), Sarawak (+RM2.1 billion), Pulau Pinang (+RM1.4 billion), WP Kuala Lumpur (+RM1.0 billion), Perak (+RM894.4 million), Terengganu (+RM826.4 million), Sabah (+RM669.2 million), Johor (+RM534.0 million), Kelantan (+RM164.9 million) and WP Labuan (+RM7.2 million).

The Premier’s wife Puan Sri Datuk Amar Juma’ani Tun Tuanku Bujang, Minister of Tourism, Creative Industry and Performing Arts Dato Sri Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah, Deputy Minister of Women and Childhood Development Datuk Rosey Yunus, Deputy Minister of of Utility Datuk Dr Abdul Rahman Junaidi and Deputy Minister of Entrepreneur Development Datuk Ripon Lamat were among those present. — DayakDaily
