Gawai Dayak school holidays: Ferry operating hours extended in Mukah

Special ferry operating services in Kuala Igan, Muara Lassa and Batang Paloh ferry terminals in Mukah. Photo credit: JKR Sarawak

By DayakDaily Team

MUKAH, May 28: In view of the upcoming Gawai Dayak celebration and school holidays, the Sarawak Public Works Department (JKR) will extend the operating hours of ferry services in Mukah Division.

The extended operating hours will be in effect from May 31 to June 4 to accommodate the expected increase in traffic at three ferry terminals in Mukah, namely Kuala Igan, Muara Lassa and Batang Paloh.


At the Kuala Igan Ferry Terminal, two ferries will be operating and their services will be from 4am till midnight (Ferry 1) and from 6am till midnight (Ferry 2), respectively.

At the two other ferry terminals, they will each have two ferries operating from 6am till midnight.

“The addition of the ferries and extension of the operating hours will shorten the waiting time and reduce vehicle congestion at the ferry terminals ahead of the Gawai celebration and school holidays.

“Ferry users are also advised to plan their travel ahead and always comply with the ferry standard operating procedure (SOP) as well as the instructions of the ferry staff,” JKR said in a notice. — DayakDaily
