SARIKEI: The full brunt of the law was imposed on a labourer here yesterday for raping his own teenage daughter since January last year until earlier this month, reports the New Straits Times.
The accused, 38, was also sentenced to 18 strokes of the cane after he pleaded guilty to 16 counts of committing incest with the victim, who is now 13, since January last year.
The labourer admitted to 12 counts of having sexual intercourse with the victim at a room inside his house at a village in Sungai Bulat near here between January and December last year.
The accused also pleaded guilty to four counts of committing the same offence and the same location on multiple occasions since July this year.
He was charged under Section 376B (1) of the Penal Code, which carries the maximum 30 years’ imprisonment and whipping upon conviction.
Judge Maris Agan sentenced the accused to 30 years’ jail for each of the charges. He also ordered all charges to run concurrently beginning yesterday.
According to the fact of the case, the accused had continuously raped the victim every night from January until December last year.
This year, the victim went to stay at the school’s hostel. After she was diagnosed with ovarian cyst, the victim was forced to remove one of her ovaries through surgery.
Her ordeal continued when she returned home during the weekends in July, August and early this month.
On the morning where she was raped on Sept 5 this year, the victim complained of continuous pain in her stomach near the spot of the surgery to her mother. The victim, however, did not relate her woes of being raped by the accused to her mother.
The victim, unable to contain her predicament to herself later informed a teacher about her father’s act.
Prosecuting Officer Inspector Siti Afwah Ismail proposed to the Court to impose the deterrent sentence against the accused.
In his mitigation for lighter sentence, the accused, who was unrepresented, pleaded leniency in the sentencing.