by Nancy Nais
SRI AMAN, Mar 29: The second day of search and rescue (SAR) efforts to find a missing man who was last seen at the foothill of Bukit Tampah in Poi Ai has come up empty-handed.
As of 5pm today, there was still no trace of the missing man. Due to heavy rain and dark weather, the SAR operation was postponed and will resume tomorrow.
The SAR operation was launched yesterday when Patau Mok, 36, could not be located although his motorcycle was parked at the said foothill which is surrounded by oil palm plantations.
Sarawak Fire and Rescue Department (Bomba) operations centre revealed the location where the motorcycle was found is about 14km away from the victim’s house and it is only accessible via four-wheel-drive or motorcycle.
Led by Sri Aman fire chief PgB Nik Mohd Afiq Nik Roslan, today’s search was divided into four sectors, with a total of about 66 personnel including villagers and Civil Defence Force, People’s Volunteer Corps and police personnel.
Sector One and Two teams were tasked to cover the right and centre side of the Bukit Tampah jungle area, within a 3km radius from the Bomba command post (PKB).
The Sector Three team was tasked to cover the Empadi forest area, also within a 3km radius from the PKB to to Empadi Mawang, while the Sector Four search covered the left side of the Empadi forest area.
Bomba received the distress call about the missing man at 5.58pm on Friday (March 27). — DayakDaily