By Adrian Lim
KUCHING, March 6: Two longhouses in the Julau district were placed under lockdown for 14 days since March 1 as a result of more than two dozens of Covid-19 cases identified.
According to a press statement from the State Disaster Management Committee (SDMC) today, a total of 29 new cases have been identified from the two longhouses at Nangga Lioh and Nangga Sebuntang following active contact tracing to a Covid-19 positive patient.
At the same time, a new Covid-19 cluster known as the Bukit Tunggal Cluster in the Julau district has been identified by the State Health Department at the two longhouses.
SDMC said the new Covid-19 cluster is a community cluster which involved two longhouses in Nangga Lioh and Nangga Sebuntang.
“The index case of the cluster is a 69-year-old man identified through symptomatic screening at the health clinic on Feb 25.
“The transmission of Covid-19 among the people at Bukit Tunggal was believed to occur through a paddy harvesting event through gotong-royong.
“Early investigation and active contact tracing in those two longhouses have found that a total of 28 cases (Covid-19) were identified,” it said.
The committee disclosed that a total of 139 individuals from the two longhouses have been swabbed for Covid-19 as of 12 noon today (March 6) with 29 individuals tested positive, 94 individuals tested negative and 16 individuals awaiting results for their Covid-19 swab test. — DayakDaily