Highly venomous Malayan Krait snake captured after devouring bird in Kampung Dagang Bekenu

The highly venomous Malayan Krait snake coiling up in a birdcage after devouring a bird at a house in Kampung Dagang Bekenu, Miri on Sept 13, 2024.

By Tedong Rantayy

MIRI, Sept 13: A highly venomous snake species, the Malayan or Blue Krait, was captured at a house in Kampung Dagang Bekenu after it devoured a bird inside a birdcage this morning.

According to the Miri Civil Defence Force (APM), the homeowner spotted the two-metre-long reptile inside a birdcage at around 8.59am and immediately alerted the authorities.


Upon arrival, APM personnel discovered the snake with dark-brown, or black crossband coiled up in the cage.

Using specialised equipment, the team safely captured the snake in under 10 minutes, ensuring the residents’ safety.

Fortunately, no injuries were reported.

Highly venomous with a potent neurotoxin, the Malayan or Blue Krait is considered one of Southeast Asia’s most deadly snake species, according to online articles. — DayakDaily
