By DayakDaily Team
KUCHING, Feb 17: Five schools in Sarawak were unable to operate on the first day of new school session due to flooding as they required immediate cleanup efforts, while authorities work to restore access and ensure students do not fall behind in their studies.
Sarawak Education director Omar Mahli said one of the worst-hit schools, SK Ulu Kabo in Saratok, lost its bridge to strong flood currents, leaving students without a safe route to school.
“This bridge is their main access across the river. We are seeking assistance from the military and parents to construct a temporary crossing through a gotong-royong initiative,” he told reporters after attending the first day of school for the 2025/2026 session at Sekolah Kebangsaan (SK) Jalan Haji Baki today.
The other affected schools are SK Kg Klid Plajau (Dalat), SK St Luke Ng Baoh (Dalat), SK Kuala Kenyana (Mukah), and SK Kuala Muput (Tatau/Sebauh).
Omar added that the department has identified reported damages and allocated funds to District Education Offices (PPD) to procure essential supplies, particularly student desks and chairs.
For the five affected schools, teachers have prepared learning materials to ensure students stay on track despite the disruptions.
“Although they cannot attend school today, they can still engage with the materials provided,” he explained.
A total of 240,498 students are enrolled in 1,266 primary schools across the region, including 32,765 new Year One students.
Meanwhile, he reaffirmed the Malaysian Ministry of Education’s (MOE) commitment to tackling school bullying through proactive measures.
“One of our key strategies is to create a more engaging and positive school environment to prevent bullying,” he said.
“We want to eliminate bullying in schools because incidents have been reported in the past. MOE is actively working towards eradicating this issue.
“To achieve this, we encourage parents and the community to participate in school activities and programs to support teachers in addressing student-related concerns,” he added. — DayakDaily