Digital tech ‘game changer’ in raising awareness on Sukma 2024

Hii holding up plushies of Sarawak’s mascots in Sukma 2024.

By Yee Mei

KUCHING, Sept 3: The recent 21st Malaysian Games (Sukma) not only saw new national records being made but also showed how digital technology has been a game changer in making the public more aware of the games.

An example is the Sukma app, which was implemented for the first time.


In an exclusive interview with DayakDaily, Sukma 2024 chief executive officer (CEO) Datu Hii Chang Kee said the app enabled the public to be aware of what’s happening in Sukma 2024 and made the event more accessible as they were able to browse through it and check scores and schedules.

Hii explained that the app, along with the website, was so successful in its purpose that during the last few moments of the games, the app’s system was slowed down as everyone was trying to check the gold medal tally between Sarawak and the Federal Territories.

“Everyone was trying to check who has the last (gold) medal, and we couldn’t check because traffic was too heavy,” he said.

Nevertheless, Hii said the app helped keep the public updated on the medal tally, event schedules, and even the athletes’ details.

“That is something we are proud of,” he said.

Elaborating on the role technology played in this year’s Sukma, Hii commended the fact that 21 out of 37 of the sports were broadcast live, with the remaining 16 recorded and available on Facebook and YouTube.

“All sports were available to watch, and this was another game changer which helped to promote Sukma and the upcoming Para Sukma.”

As for the opening ceremony, Hii described it as being in line with Sarawak Premier Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Abang Johari Tun Openg’s aspiration to go digital, which was reflected in the use of drones and how the lucky draw session was carried out. — DayakDaily
