Covid-19: 1,300 kes baharu dan 5 kematian

KUCHING, 6 April: Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (KKM) memaklumkan bahawa terdapat 1,300 kes baharu positif Covid-19 dilaporkan hari ini. Ketua Pengarah Kesihatan Tan Sri Dr Noor...

Health DG: Pool testing can reduce cost of Covid-19 test, but …

KUALA LUMPUR, 20 Feb: Pool testing techniques can be used to help reduce the cost of testing in a population with a low...

1,647 kes baru 9 kematian akibat Covid-19 dilaporkan hari ini

PUTRAJAYA, 11 Mac :Sebanyak 1,647 kes baharu COVID-19 dilaporkan hari ini, menjadikan jumlah keseluruh kes di negara ini terus meningkat kepada 319,364 kes dengan...

SFC: Enforcement of anti-trafficking, anti-poaching laws ongoing during MCO

KUCHING, April 13: Sarawak Forestry Corporation (SFC) gives assurance that it is working together with various enforcement agencies to stop transboundary and illicit international...

Sarawak terus pelihara hutan, hasilkan oksigen – Abang Johari

KUCHING, 25 Julai: Sarawak komited untuk terus menjaga dan memelihara hutan, kata Premier Sarawak Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Abang Johari Tun Openg. Katanya, ia bagi...

Lack of public cooperation hampering efforts to curb the spread of rabies — Penguang

KUCHING, August 21: Uncooperative pet lovers and victims of dog attacks who take things lightly are making it difficult for the government to curb...

Covid-19: 15 kematian dan 3,731 kes baharu

KUCHING, 7 Feb: Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (KKM) memaklumkan bahawa terdapat 3,731 kes baharu positif Covid-19 dilaporkan hari ini. Ketua Pengarah Kesihatan Tan Sri Dr Noor...

Highly anticipated vaccine rollout to begin on Friday, CM to be first to roll...

By Karen Bong KUCHING, Feb 24: The highly anticipated State vaccine rollout will begin this Friday (Feb 26) or a day earlier than previously scheduled...

Committee based on IGC to reclaim state’s rights under MA63

KUCHING, Jan 12: The state government will set up a committee based on the Inter-Governmental Committee (IGC) to address issues as well as to...

MBKS swimming pool closure vital for clearing works, groundbreaking ceremony for water park to...

By Ashley Sim KUCHING, March 20: Kuching South City Council (MBKS) mayor Dato Wee Hong Seng has highlighted that a formal groundbreaking ceremony for the...