17yo teen falls into Lemana river in Lubok Antu while installing boat engine, feared drowned

Fire and Rescue Department Malaysia/ Jabatan Bomba dan Penyelamat Malaysia logo

By DayakDaily Team

LUBOK ANTU, June 2: A 17-year-old teenage boy is feared to have drowned after falling into the Lemana river near Rumah Duan in Nanga Ngemah Ulu while installing a boat engine close to midnight yesterday (June 1).

Fire and Rescue Department (Bomba) Sarawak received the emergency call at 11.22pm.


However, a search and rescue (SAR) operation could not be immediately mounted as accessing the location requires navigating logging roads with the journey estimated to take two hours.

Additionally, the strong river current resulting from heavy rain was unfavourable for commencing the SAR operation.

Following discussions with the Lubok Antu police team and the village chief, it was decided that the SAR operation would commence this morning. — DayakDaily
