SOP compliance optimal at Sibu entertainment centres

The team assembling at the town square before beginning the operation.

SIBU, March 1: Entertainment outlets here have been found to be complying with the standard operating procedures (SOP), except one customer who was compounded for not checking in with his MySejahtera app.

Sibu Crime Prevention and Community Safety Division head DSP Ariffin Bahar said the police had led an integrated SOP monitoring team on eight entertainment centres to check on SOP compliance last night.

The team consisted of three policemen, 12 from the Sibu Divisional Disaster Management Committee, three from the Health Ministry and five from Sibu Municipal Council.


“All these eight centres had adhered to the SOP except there was one person who was compounded RM1,500 by SMC for not scanning the MySejahtera QR code,’ he said

The compound was issued under Regulation 17 of the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases (Measures Within the Infected Local Areas) Regulations 2021. — DayakDaily
