KUCHING, April 12: Parti Bansa Dayak Sarawak Baru (PBDSB) is in the final stage of screening its candidates.
“Some candidates may not be nominated and one of which, a prospective PBDSB candidate aged 63-year-old might be replaced due to health issues,” said its election director Rapelson Richard Hamit, adding that this was because PBDSB believed that public interests should take precedence over personal ones.
He reminded the potential candidates who are not nominated to work hard to campaign for the ones chosen to stand under PBDSB’s tickets and that there should not be any sabotage.
“PBDSB is a Dayak opposition party and a local Sarawakian party. We must work together by working hard in order to win for the party and the communities,” said Rapelson yesterday.
He stressed PBDSB had autonomy in determining its candidates and candidates’ appointment letters would be given without having to refer to anyone in Peninsular Malaysia.
“We will also continue to champion the rights of Dayak and Sarawak as stated in our manifesto announced recently. PBDSB is a local opposition party of Sarawak and an independent political party,” said Rapelson.
The Election Commission had announced that nomination day will be set for April 28 (Saturday), early voting on May 5 (Saturday) and polling day on May 9, a Wednesday. — DayakDaily