Deputy Premier: Irrespective of ‘rain or hot weather’, Sarawakians will continue to be united

Uggah (third right), Roland (second right) in a group photo together before the start of the parade.

By DayakDaily Team

KUCHING, June 15: Sarawakians will continue to be united, irrespective of “rain or hot weather,” says Deputy Premier Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas.

Uggah likened the variable weather during the Niti Daun Gawai Dayak Parade 2024 to the challenges faced by Sarawakians, emphasising that it did not dampen the high spirits showcased by participants.


ā€œIt is also a testament of Sarawakian spirit in moving towards a developed State by 2030, while strengthening unity, racial and religious harmony in Sarawak,ā€ he said when met by reporters during the Niti Daun Gawai Dayak Parade 2024 held at Kuching Waterfront here today.

Meanwhile, commenting on the Niti Daun Gawai Dayak Parade 2024, Uggah said it was a wonderful display from all races and religion in Sarawak.

“Another beautiful scene is where people of all races in Sarawak celebrate Hari Gawai, and it is part of our way of continue to take care of our unity in Sarawak,ā€ he added.

He also commended Gawai Dayak Sarawak Celebration 2024 working committee chairman Dato Sri Roland Sagah Wee Inn for successfully organising the event.

Niti Daun Gawai Dayak Parade 2024 saw a total of 111 contingents took with over 3,000 participants.

The parade began at the Tun Jugah Building and ended at the Old Court House Square Tower in Kuching Waterfront. ā€” DayakDaily
