Covid-19 update: Sarawak confirms 11 new positive cases

Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas

KUCHING, March 29: Sarawak recorded a total of 11 new Covid-19 positive cases today.

The State Disaster Management Committee chairman Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas in a press conference said the additional cases recorded today brings the total number of cases so far in the state to 129, since March 13.

“For the 11 positive cases, six of them are male, while the other five are female,” he said.


Uggah also noted that as of today, 49 new Person Under Investigation (PUI) cases were reported, bringing the total number of PUI to 1,126.

Out of this total, 915 cases tested negative and another 82 cases are still waiting for laboratory test results.

“As of now, Sarawak has recorded five deaths, since the first case was reported on March 17, 2020, and another nine cases were discharged from the hospital,” he added.

Meanwhile, Uggah also said that 13 quarantine centres have been identified in the state and are currently in operation.

He said that the committee is still trying to look for suitable locations to serve as quarantine centres in other districts.

“For Covid-19 screening, the Sarawak government has opened up a screening centre at the Youth and Sports Complex at Jalan Tun Ahmad Zaidi Adruce, which was opened on March 21.

“A total of 1,771 individuals have been screened and 62 samples taken, together with 17 positive cases reported,” he said.

The 13 quarantine centres in operation are the Ministry of Health (KKM) Training Institute (KKA) in Kuching, Petronas Sports Village in Miri, Kemunyang Youth Camp in Sibu, Limbang Indoor Stadium, Similajau National Park in Bintulu, Lawas Indoor Stadium, Rumah Temuai in Kapit, Institute for Rural Advancement (Infra) Sarawak Campus and INTAN in Kota Samarahan, Rumah Sehat in Sri Aman, Sibu Nursing College, Limbang Civic Centre and Institut Kemahiran Islam Malaysia Sarawak (Ikmas) in Kuching. — DayakDaily
