Uggah: Mask up, heed MOH advise on new Covid-19 variant as its severity is...

By Ashley Sim KUCHING, Nov 1: State Disaster Management Committee (SDMC) chairman and Sarawak Deputy Premier Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas urges Sarawakians to heed...

Yahya Ali – abang hero saya

Oleh Muhd Mirza Dzalmira Miraj (Pegawai Perhubungan Awam Bomba Negeri Sarawak) KUCHING, 27 Ok: Arif Aiman Ali, 12, tidak menyangka kehadiran beliau bersama ibu bapa...

29 pemain dan pegawai Miri FA cemas, bas dinaiki terlibat dalam kemalangan

PAPAR, Mac 11: Seramai 29 pemain termasuk pegawai Persatuan Bola Sepak Miri (Miri FA) berdepan detik mencemaskan apabila bas ekspres yang dinaiki mereka terlibat...

Homecoming of sorts as PRS moves into former PBDS HQ

KUCHING, March 30: Parti Rakyat Sarawak (PRS) has taken up residence at the former Parti Bansa Dayak Sarawak (PBDS) headquarters at Jalan Wan Alwi. The...

Sambutan Tahun Baru Cina SUPP meriah

Oleh Chris Bishop KUCHING, 25 Jan: Majlis rumah terbuka Tahun Baru Cina 2020 anjuran Parti Rakyat Bersatu Sarawak (SUPP) hari ini dihadiri ribuan rakyat dari pelbagai lapisan masyarakat berbilang kaum dan...

Abg Jo: Sarawak’s secret recipe for progress is unity, tolerance

By Nancy Nais KUCHING, Dec 25: The Sarawak government is committed to safeguarding unity to ensure Sarawakians of all races and religions continue to live...

Lo takes Home Ministry to task over granting of citizenship

By Karen Bong KUCHING, Jan 17: Batu Kitang assemblyman Lo Khere Chiang is demanding answers from the Home Ministry as to why the citizenship application...

Beware of car sale scam disguised as legitimate dealerships, luring buyers to pay upfront

By DayakDaily Team KUCHING, June 26: The National Consumer Action Council (MTPN) Sarawak Branch has received a complaint related to a car sale scam involving...

Three men go missing at abandoned gold mine in Gunung Tabai

By Nancy Nais BAU, March 24: Three men who went to an abandoned gold mine in Gunung Tabai yesterday have failed to return home,...

Caretaker couple of missing boy given 6 months in jail for theft, drug related...

By Dorcas Ting KUCHING, March 31: The Magistrate's Court here has sentenced the caretaker of four-year-old missing child Eric Chang to a jail term of...