Baby suffers severe vomiting after consuming fake infant formula

Feeding baby. — file pic. // Photo: Pixabay

KULAI, Dec 10: Fake infant formula has been blamed for causing a baby to experience severe vomiting.

Subsequently, Ministry of Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and Consumerism (KPDNKK) officers seized 210 boxes of infant formula, believed to be fake, in five raids in Johor Bahru City on Dec 7, reports Bernama.

Johor KPDNKK director Khairul Anwar Bachok told reporters at the KPDNKK store in Senai today that the raids on five premises comprising drug stores and convenience stores was the result of investigation and complaints received from the original milk producers since August.


“This followed a report regarding a baby who suffered severe vomiting after taking infant formula which was later found to be the fake by the producer,” he told reporters at the KPDNKK store in Senai today.

Three of the premises were found to be selling fake milk worth about RM42,000.

The fake infant formula boxes were discovered placed together with original ones on shelves and sold at the same price as the original ones at about RM200 each.

“When asked about the matter, the 50-year-old business operator claimed that he did not know that the 1.8kg boxes of infant formula were fake,” Khairul Anwar said.

He added the invoice for the purchase of the infant formula bore the name of a false company and a false address to confuse the authorities.

“Hence, we will intensify the raids in other districts to detect fake infant formula in an effort to identify the source of the fake producers.”

Samples of the seized infant formula and original infant formula were sent to the Chemistry Department to identify the differences between the two.

The fake infant formula were seized under Section 8 (2) (b) of the Trade Descriptions Act 2011.

First offenders face a RM10,000 fine for each item exhibited or jail not more than three years or both, while second offenders face a RM20,000 fine for each item exhibited or jail for not more than five years or both. — Bernama
