Aspirasi non-partisan about government and opposition’s bipartisan agreement

Lina Soo

KUCHING, Sept 17: Sarawak People’s Aspiration Party (Aspirasi) president Lina Soo is non-partisan about the bipartisan agreement reached between Malaysia government and the Pakatan Harapan (PH) opposition bloc.

She explained that the agreement is only a memorandum of understanding (MOU) which, unlike a contract, need not contain legally enforceable promises.

She was sceptical that PH would honour the MOU as she mentioned that PH leaders did not honour their election manifesto when they were the government of the day.


“The MOU is long on promises and expectations, but short on specifics and details. Broadly, the objectives are for a Covid-19 plan, parliamentary reform, administrative transformation, independence of the judiciary, a steering committee and Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63).

“The inclusion of MA63 must be just an after-thought to please Sarawak and Sabah political parties who have to appease their voters, as there is no articulation on what it is about the MA63, which therefore makes it a mockery of the aspiration of the Borneo peoples to have their longstanding grievances addressed and resolved,” she said in a statement today.

As for whether the MOU will serve its purpose to create a conducive investment climate to drive the economy to recovery, Soo doubts that will happen as the MOU provides no guarantee, no security, and investors do not like political instability in a country that has seen three prime ministers within three years.

“This is a political pact expected to last 10 months, but in politics, 24 hours is a long time. I believe the MOU is just a temporary stop-gap measure for a political truce in order for both sides (government and opposition) to take stock and rearm for another election battle royale which must be called by 2023,” she added.

Following that, Soo reminds the people to not be lulled into thinking that the MOU is a permanent solution as it can be easily manipulated by any bloc on any pretext for a breakdown.

“In the meantime, the next few months ahead will show if Prime Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob will deliver the goods or if he is just buying time to warm his seat.

“Already he has inspired little confidence with the scenario of certain corruption charges being dropped in the courts, and his commitment to strengthen Syariah law to the alarm and concern of non-Muslims. Time will tell,” she emphasised. — DayakDaily
