41yo man pleads guilty to molesting friend’s 20yo daughter in Kuching

File photo for illustration purposes only. Photo: Pixabay

By Dorcas Ting

KUCHING, June 28: A local man was fined RM3,000 or sentenced to six months in jail by the Magistrate’s Court today for molesting his friend’s daughter on June 25.

The 41-year-old accused pleaded guilty to the charge under Section 354 of the Penal Code, read before Magistrate Zubaidah Sharkawi.


According to the charge, he was accused of molesting the 20-year-old girl in a room in a village at Jalan Setia Raja around 4.30am on June 25.

Case facts revealed that during the incident, the complainant was sleeping with her younger sister in a room when she felt someone rubbing her thigh.

The complainant opened her eyes and saw the accused standing in front of her.

The accused then said, “Don’t be surprised, I just want to sell you a Samsung phone,” before leaving the complainant’s room.

The complainant and her family knew the accused well, as he was a friend of her father and uncle and often visited their house.

On the day of the incident, the complainant’s father was not at home as he had been working in Bintulu since May.

Fearing for her safety, the complainant went to the police station to file a report for further action against the accused.

Investigations revealed that the accused committed the criminal act against the complainant with the intent to outrage her modesty.

Additionally, the accused was found to be positive for Amphetamine and Methamphetamine.

The case was prosecuted by Prosecuting Officer Inspector Nur Shafiqa Nyaie Ilin, while the accused was not represented by a lawyer. — DayakDaily
