19yo teen ordered to attend Henry Gurney School until 21 for raping 12yo girlfriend in Matang

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By Dorcas Ting

KUCHING, Feb 14: The Sessions Court here today mandated a teenage boy attend Henry Gurney School until he turns 21 for sexually assaulting his 12-year-old female friend last December.

Earlier, the 19-year-old teenager pleaded guilty to a charge under Section 376(1) of the Penal Code before Judge Afidah Abdul Rahman.


Afidah issued the directive for the accused to be sent to Henry Gurney School following a social report hearing from the Department of Social Welfare today.

The teenager was charged with raping the underage girl under the stairs of a flat in Matang around 2.30am on Dec 10, 2023.

If convicted, the teenager faced the possibility of imprisonment for up to 20 years and also corporal punishment.

According to the facts of the case, the complainant, who is also the girl’s grandmother, was informed that the girl had engaged in a sexual relationship with her boyfriend. The victim was subsequently taken to the hospital for an examination.

An obstetrics and gynecology expert confirmed the presence of injuries to the girl’s hymen.

A police report was filed by the complainant, leading to further investigation and the subsequent arrest of the accused.

The prosecution was led by Deputy Public Prosecutor Iezzah Iburdanisha Ibrahim, while the accused was not represented by legal counsel. — DayakDaily
