YPS: Unity among Sarawakians enhanced amid Covid-19 pandemic

Evy Eliza Kwan spends three hours to sketch a drawing to thank the frontliners who have been working tirelessly to contain, address and keeping everyone in the country safe from Covid-19. (file pic)

KUCHING, July 20: Yayasan Perpaduan Sarawak (YPS) believes that the bond and solidarity among Sarawakians has been further strengthened by the Covid-19 pandemic.

The foundation, in a press statement today, said this was evident when people from all walks of life put their efforts together to bring relief in various ways to those affected adversely by the pandemic.

“From making personal protective equipment (PPE) for the frontliners and donating food items, we have witnessed supportive and heart warming stories from all segments of the society.


“There were stories of generous and kind people who contributed food for frontliners who were working tirelessly; alongside stories of sacrifices where employees willingly informed their employers to stop giving them or reducing their wages until the businesses improve, and even stories on receiving assistance to adapt to new technology.

“All these stories truly bring the experience of solidarity into life and it can sadly be taken for granted, especially since these situations occur so naturally,” it said.

According to YPS, there are also those who work behind the scenes especially essential service providers (utilities, law enforcement, healthcare) who truly serve and commit besides working to ensure aid and help is channelled to those who are in need and affected by the pandemic (welfare agencies, NGOs, system technicians) so that the people are safe in this challenging time.

“In conjunction with Sarawak Day 2020, YPS wishes to applaud the solidarity and unity shown by the people especially those working as frontliners when the pandemic started in Sarawak. Now everyone is a frontliner and therefore we need to work together regardless of race, background and religion in making Sarawak a safe state once more.

“Let us continue to be vigilant and do our part to break the chain of infection and persevere through this pandemic. Jaga Sarawak, Intu Sarawak,” the statement read.

YPS and Sarawak Development Institute (SDI) have also organised the Sarawak’s Pride – Most Number of Unity Short Stories Project to collect short stories on unity from members of the public throughout the state.

The project was launched on February 12, 2019, by SDI chairman Tan Sri Datuk Amar Mohd Morshidi Abdul Ghani in which members of the public were invited to submit their stories.

On August 3, 2019, a maze display showcasing 450 of the collected stories was launched by Head of State Tun Pehin Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud, who is YPS chairman, at the Square Tower, Kuching Waterfront. –DayakDaily.
