Works at Kampung Nyabor Islamic Cemetery to be completed before Hari Raya Aidilfitri

The muddy land at Kampung Nyabor Islamic Cemetery.

KUCHING, April 8: Villagers of Kampung Nyabor will be able to visit the graves of their loved ones on Hari Raya Aidilfitri once the cleaning and deepening of the sewerage system at the village’s Islamic Cemetery is completed.

Deputy Minister of Energy & Natural Resources Datuk Ali Biju visited the ongoing project site today as a follow up after he paid a visit to the village three weeks ago.

“Previously, the graveyard which was often flooded as a result of the poor drainage system has led to muddy land. Now, the problem has almost been resolved,” he said in a statement today.

Ali Biju inspects the longhouse which was razed by a fire recently.

On the same day, Ali who is also Saratok MP visited Rh Joshua Sulau in Tanjung Tapang which was razed by a fire recently.

He presented a cheque worth RM55,000 to Tuai Rumah Joshua Sulau for immediate use of the longhouse. — DayakDaily
