There has been a mutiny to remove Sng as PBM captain after all

Datuk Larry Sng

By Lian Cheng

KUCHING, Oct 29:  Parti Bangsa Malaysia president Larry Sng has finally admitted that there has been a mutiny to remove him as president in the party.

In another statement published on his social media page today, he tries to clarify PBM’s recent power struggle saga.


He said on Oct 1, PBM held its AGM whereby in his speech, he thanked the president designate Datuk Zuraida Kamarudin for joining PBM and indicated his intention to make her his successor in the party at a “suitable time” in the near future. 

A motion of thanks was passed unanimously by members of the delegates on this matter which he said was reported in a new article of a national newspaper on Oct 2.

“I have not resigned nor have I been sacked or have left to join any other political party, so therefore there was no vacancy in the position of the President,” he reiterated.  

The incumbent Julau MP said subsequently a notice of Supreme Council meeting was issued on Oct 5 which was not called under his instruction, for a meeting to be held on Oct 7.

“This meeting is not valid because under the party constitution Fasal 21 (I) & (II), power to call for any meeting is by the president and seven-day notice must be issued unless waived by the president,” said Sng.

He pointed out that the timing of the meeting also coincided with the Budget Speech, whereby all PBM MPs were present in Parliament. 

“This meeting was chaired by the Deputy President, YB Haniza (Mohamad Taha), and was attended by some supreme council members but largely comprised by party members who are not recognised as supreme council members by the Registrar of Society (ROS). 

“I understand that their meeting didn’t even meet the required quorum of half of all Supreme Council Members under Fasal 21 (III).

“Since that meeting, the Secretary General has issued statements alleging that Datuk Zuraida Kamarudin has been appointed as the new president,” said Sng.

He said there is no such provision in the party constitution that allows for the removal of president or any elected supreme council members unless it was done so in the AGM under Fasal 14 (I) & (II), which did not take place.

It was also decided in that invalid meeting, that the secretary general is appointed to represent the party in signing the watikah (candidate appointment letter) for candidates during the general election. 

“This clearly usurps the power of the president, as I have had in the past been the sole signatory to sign the watikah for all our candidates in the Johor PRN.

“Under such circumstances, I have taken the necessary steps to suspend the secretary general and the information chief, followed by the deputy president and those supreme council members who have plunged the party into disrepute and cause much uncertainty over the legitimately elected office of the President and acted against the interest of the party delegates. 

“The wishes of the party delegates at our Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) in January 2022 in Sibu Sarawak, who have elected the party leadership lineup, must be respected,” said Sng. 

Earlier today, Sng had suspended the party’s president designate Datuk Zuraida Kamaraddin, and 12 other supreme council members.

Prior to this on Oct 27, he suspended the party’s PBM secretary-general Nor Hizwan Ahmad and information chief Zakaria Abdul Hamid. — DayakDaily
