Tan: Give local businesses some breathing space by not fining first-time SOP flouters

Tan holding up the RM10,000 fine received by a local business owner.

KUCHING, Nov 12: Enforcement authorities are urged to warn and not fine first-time standard operating procedure (SOP) flouters as local businesses could use some “breathing space” to recover as the economy has just reopened, said Julian Tan.

Tan, who is special assistant to Sarawak Democratic Action Party (DAP) chairman Chong Chieng Jen, said a RM10,000 fine was uncalled for for business owners who happened to overlook just one SOP but fulfilled the rest.

He said a coffeeshop owner at Kuching city centre was recently slapped with a RM10,000 fine for failing to display a printed notice to indicate the maximum number of persons allowed into the premise, a procedure which the owner had no idea existed.


“We did a quick survey around the area, and we were surprised that many, if not all the eatery shops we visited, did not know that part of the SOP,” said Tan in a statement today.

A snippet of the RM10,000 fine for not displaying a printed notice to indicate the maximum number of persons allowed into a premise.

With everchanging SOPs, he viewed that the latest set of SOP must be readily available and easily accessible by business owners.

He said a well-designed infographic could help to spread information on social media, on top of an official website where all the SOPs are reachable within two clicks.

“Only then can it be considered a user-friendly website. The website design should be able to cater to all regardless of their levels of tech-savviness, or else this will discourage people from looking further,” he added. — DayakDaily
