Talk by former Sarawak Museum director on myths, superstitions, realities of saltwater crocodiles in local cultures on Feb 18

The "Crocodiles: Myths, Superstitions and Realities" is a talk by Dr Ipoi Datan and presented by Friend of Sarawak Museum at Borneo Cultures Musesum on Feb 18. 2024.

KUCHING, Feb 12: Come delve into the myths, superstitions and realities of saltwater crocodiles in local cultures at Borneo Cultures Museum on Feb 18.

Organised by Friends of Sarawak Museum, the talk will be presented by former Sarawak Museum director Dr Ipoi Datan at 2pm in Borneo Cultures Museum’s auditorium hall.

According to a press release, the purpose of this talk is to give insight into how and why saltwater crocodiles (Crocodylous porosus) came to be feared or dreaded as well as admired or revered; featured prominently in the traditional culture and rituals; and also became the basis of myths and superstitions of certain indigenous communities (especially Iban, Lun Bawang and Malays) in Borneo, and other parts of the world.


It will also discuss as to why and when people become victims of crocodile attacks and means to evade from being attacked by them. The evasive measures include those taken by domesticated (e.g. dogs) and wild (e.g. wild pigs) animals as observed when crossing crocodile infested rivers in Borneo.

The talk will incorporate information and data compiled from numerous interviews with local informants and scientific and academic ones gleaned from literature review.

To register, visit:

For more information, contact Lim Tze Tshen at 012-6016371. — DayakDaily
