Supplementary Supply (2022) Bill 2022 passed in DUN sitting

Uggah moves the motion on the Supplementary Supply (2022) Bill 2022 in the DUN sitting today (May 20, 2022). Photo credit: Ukas Facebook livestream

By Nur Ashikin Louis

KUCHING, May 20: The Sarawak Legislative Assembly (DUN) today passed the Supplementary Supply (2022) Bill 2022 tabled by Deputy Premier-cum-Second Minister for Finance and New Economy, Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas.

The Bill’s First Supplementary Estimates of Ordinary Expenditure, 2022 sought approval for an additional expenditure of RM60,064,358 to meet the additional operating grant to 23 local authorities.


They are for a 25 per cent discount on assessment rates for residential holdings with annual rates above RM400, commercial, industrial and special purpose holdings and vacant land for January to June 2022, amounting to RM18,182,344; as well as a 30 to 100 per cent discount on assessment rates for residential holdings with an annual rate of RM400 and below for the year 2020, amounting to RM23,554,945.

Others include a 30 to 100 per cent discount on assessment rates for residential holdings with an annual rate of RM400 and below for January to June 2022, amounting to RM12,176,798; waiver of business permit and license belonging to local authorities for the year 2022, amounting to RM5,735,532; waiver of hotel and lodging-house licenses for the year 2022, amounting to RM213,659; and 50 per cent discount for rental of bus terminal belonging to local authorities for the year 2022, amounting to RM201,080.

In short, the additional sum sought by the State government was meant to cover the expenditures on assistance to the people of Sarawak, listed through Sarawakku Sayang Special Packages (BKSS), which involved local authorities, during the Covid-19 pandemic since 2020.

The Bill also sought approval for the First Supplementary Estimates of Development Expenditure, 2022 for an additional expenditure of RM100 million to finance the implementation of various ongoing Projek Rakyat throughout the State. — DayakDaily
