Stay clean, work hard, Abang Jo tells GPS lawmakers


KUCHING, Oct 4: Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari Tun Openg has instructed all Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) representatives to stay clear of controversies and to concentrate on delivering the necessities to the people as the political scenario had changed since May 9.

The chief minister also wants the coalition’s lawmakers to stay close to the people, especially those they are representing.

Assistant Minister of Corporate Affairs Abdullah Saidol, who disclosed this to DayakDaily today, said, “The chief minister has reminded all GPS lawmakers that business was no more as usual as they were not with BN (Barisan Nasional) anymore.


“And the people of Sarawak want to see the distinctive working culture of GPS representatives as compared to before.”

Abdullah said the GPS government would neither take things for granted nor will it be complacent in serving the people.

According to him, the people, especially those from the rural areas, preferred to see either physical developments or new initiatives that can increase socio-economic activities in their respective areas.

“The people also want to see their elected representatives (YBs) either visit or to do walkabouts in their kawasan in a casual manner and not only coming when there are formal functions. They need to get engage with the youths and be willing to listen to them and their inspirations.

“YBs must recruit more members and register new voters as well. At the same time, they must stay close with party members, build up confidence and slowly structure new strategies. That’s the general rule,” he pointed out.

Abdullah, who was a former chief political secretary to the Chief Minister, pointed out that even though GPS was still awaiting approval from the Registrar of Societies (RoS), its elected representatives had already been working hard to strengthen their base in their respective constituencies.

“Realising that the Pakatan Harapan (PH) federal government is busy giving all sorts of excuses for not being able to deliver this and that, including all the comical flip-flop policies, the GPS government is busy executing people-centric projects using state funds.

“And at the same time, we in GPS are now at ease in talking loud and openly about the state’s rights and interests,” he said.

On Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (Bersatu), the Semop lawmaker said when the GPS component parties were still with the BN, they were able to prevent Umno from coming to Sarawak. Now, it seems that the PH partners in Sarawak, like DAP and PKR, were, ironically, dumbfounded about Bersatu coming to the state.

“Look at all the leaders in Bersatu; they are all from Umno,” he said, in response to Bersatu Sarawak’s claim that it now had about 30,000 members from 31 divisions.

“Notwithstanding PH parties are aggressively spreading their wings and influences in Sarawak, it is, therefore, crucial for GPS incumbents to strengthen their respective bases,” he emphasised.

When asked whether he thought the change in federal government was a blessing in disguise, Abdullah answered in the affirmative.

“Yes, it’s a reality check, especially among the politicians. It has created an opportunity for both the winners and losers to experience the opposite side of the government; and at the same time, accommodating Malaysians the result of their curiosity and their belief that ‘changes’ to federal administration may or may not bring various forms of benefit to our nation as desired by many.” — DayakDaily
