Radio Emergency Drone Squad Sarawak wants to collaborate with S’wak Disaster Management Committee on disaster assistance

Uggah (centre) flanked by Khirudin (third left) and Lai (third right), along with others, pose for a group photo during the courtesy visit at the Deputy Premier's office on March 13, 2024.

By DayakDaily Team

KUCHING, March 13: Radio Emergency Drone Squad Sarawak (REDS) seeks to partner with the State Disaster Management Committee (SDMC) to provide assistance during disasters.

According to a press release, Sarawak Fire and Rescue Department director Datu Khirudin Drahman Hussaini highlighted the significant assistance provided by REDS in terms of radio communications and drone usage in search and rescue (SAR) operations, especially in areas without cellular coverage.


“Radio communication is extremely helpful in reaching many interior areas that do not yet have cellular coverage,” he was quoted as saying in the press release.

Khirudin made the remarks after paying a courtesy visit to Sarawak Deputy Premier Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas, who is also SDMC chairman, at his office here today.

The press release also stated that Khiruddin was accompanied by REDS deputy chairman Cr Lai Chau Leong and some of its members.

Khirudin said they want to strengthen this cooperation in terms of sustainability and were seeking Uggah’s support to upgrade the SAR operation capability in Sarawak.

“In my capacity as the advisor to REDS, we paid him (Uggah) a courtesy call to brief him on the association’s roles and functions.

“We seek his agreement for him to be the patron of REDS in order for it to operate more efficiently and effectively. More importantly, we want it to be a part of SDMC so that it can sustain giving services to the people of Sarawak,” he added. — DayakDaily
