Police break up cockfight in Pulau Kerto, arrest three men

The three suspects caught at the scene.

SIBU, June 20: Three men aged between 32 to 34 have been arrested for taking part in illegal cockfighting yesterday.

Sibu district deputy police chief Supt Collin Babat said that at about 4.30pm on Thursday, a police team from its Anti-Vice, Gambling and Gangsterism unit (D7) conducted a raid on a cockfighting pit in Pulau Kerto near here.

“The team managed to arrest three suspects while some others ran away,” he said.


The suspects were two construction workers and a jobless man.

Supt Collins said the three suspects have been placed in the Sibujaya police station lockup for investigation under Section 3(1) of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Ayam Sabong) 1962 and Section 7(2) of the Common Gaming House Act 1953. —DayakDaily
