PKR vows to clean up, bring in 3Rs in DUN

From left: Ahmad Nazib, Cherishe Ng and Irwan vow to represent PKR and bring about reform if they win.

By Nur Ashikin Louis

KUCHING, Dec 7: Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) vows to sweep clean all the alleged ‘dirt’ in the Sarawak State Legislative Assembly (DUN) by bringing about 3Rs in the 12th Sarawak Election.

The party election director Dominique Ng said the 3Rs will focus on ‘reform’ in governance, ‘recovery’ from corruption and mismanagement as well as ‘renewal’ of politics in Sarawak.


In doing so, he said the party is sending out its candidates to stand in the coming State polls against the leaders of Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) who have been in power for a long time.

“Our party candidates are all professionals and they will represent the future of PKR and Sarawak.

“They will, if elected, be able to sweep clean the dirt and corruption that is now happening in Sarawak as represented in DUN,” he told reporters during a PKR ‘gotong-royong’ to clean Sarawak politics programme held at Kuching Waterfront today.

Also present were PKR candidates in Bandar Kuching, namely Ahmad Nazib Johari (N6 Tupong), Datuk Ir Dr Nor Irwan Ahmat Nor (N8 Satok) and Cherishe Ng (N11 Batu Lintang).

Speaking to reporters, Ahmad Nazib described the existing leaders of GPS as “flower pots” in the DUN.

He believed that it is high time for Sarawakians to replace the existing leaders with fresh faces of elected representatives who will bring about new ideas and ways to govern the State.

Meanwhile, Cherishe Ng who is only 24-years-old this year, hopes that her candidacy will encourage more youths and women to get involved in politics.

“We need more representation of women and youths in politics not only to be put as a ‘backdrop’ but at the front to bring up the voices of the community,” she said.

At the same time, Irwan emphasised that a large number of candidates and political parties participating in this coming election signify the anger of Sarawakians towards the ruling State government.

He said even in the midst of urban areas like Kuching, the residents are still facing poverty, water supply problem and poor infrastructure.

“Therefore, the people want change,” he added. — DayakDaily
