PKR elections: PKR Sarawak ‘disappointed’ over lack of response to written objections

Nicholas Bawin

KUCHING, Oct 23: Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) Sarawak has expressed disappointment over PKR secretary-general Dato Saifuddin Nasution’s lack of response and action on its two written objections.

The first objection was submitted by Julau Chief Semana Sawang dated Aug 18 and the second objection was submitted by Sarawak PKR secretary Nicholas Bawin dated Sept 10, 2018.

“We are very disappointed that the Secretary-General of the party did not see fit to officially or unofficially acknowledge nor respond to these two written objections.


“(Sarawak PKR information chief) Vernon Kedit’s Statutory Declaration (SD) of Oct 17 contains and affirms Semana -Sawang’s earlier objection, which the Secretary-General has to date chosen to ignore.

“Secondly, Vernon’s SD contains evidences in support of Semana’s objection. These are serious allegations which a Secretary-General of any political party cannot ignore.

“The Secretary-General must act on the first objection by Semana Sawang. This is blatant dereliction of duties by the Secretary-General for not acting on the serious allegations brought up officially by MPN (Majlis Pimpinan Negeri) Sarawak,” said Nicholas in a press statement today.

He was responding to press reports about Saifuddin stating that all membership lists are final and cannot be amended as the period for objection on membership has lapsed and closed.

Contrary to Saifuddin’s statement, Nicholas pointed out that the two objections were made within the stipulated period of objection.

He said, the objections had been submitted to raise the red flag and alert the Secretary-General’s office of the dubious registration of membership in Julau.

“Such dubious registration of members could lead to the very possible breach of the Data Protection Act if data theft and fraud are found to have taken place.

“We should be mindful of the criminality of the offence alleged and our coalition’s pledge for the rule of laws that is applicable to all, including our party,” said Bawin.

He said in the circumstances, any complaint to the Registrar of Societies or challenges to the glaring irregularities and illegalities in the Courts of Law may be detrimental or fatal to the party in particular and ruling Pakatan Harapan (PH) government in general.

“We must therefore recommend to the party’s Majlis Pimpinan Pusat and Political Bureau to exercise caution in their deliberation to resolve the rampant irregularities and illegalities alleged.

“May we remind the Secretary-General that the party’s President-Elect Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim only yesterday stated that the election committee and disciplinary committee are urged to act against whoever breached the disciplinary process of party election, regardless of their position in the party.”

He also quoted PKR vicepresident Tian Chua’s clarion call yesterday that “oversights and erroneous calculations must be rectified thoroughly in order to overcome the credibility discrepancy of the party election process”, saying it should be heeded. — DayakDaily
