Pictures of longhouse folks quarantined at Sibu Dewan Suarah fake

A fake social media posting claiming that longhouse folks affected by Covid-19 are being placed under quarantine in Dewan Suarah Sibu.

By Lian Cheng

SIBU, Jan 9:  Two viralled photographs claiming to be portraying longhouse folks being placed under quarantine in Sibu Dewan Suarah are fake.

The two pictures go with a message that says – “This is the situation when longhouse folks are being quarantined in Dewan Suarah Sibu”.


An official spokesperson from Sarawak Disaster Management Committee Sibu Division contacted DayakDaily and hoped to clarify that such a situation never happened, and that the two photographs are definitely fake.

“First of all, the place in the pictures is not even Dewan Suarah Sibu.

“Secondly, yes, we are making preparation for any eventuality. Initially, we put up cubicles in Dewan Suarah Sibu but later we decided against using them and dismantled because there is no necessity.

“Should there be a need later, we shall use Indoor Stadium instead. We will provide cubicles for those who needed to be quarantined, not what is portrayed on the fake pictures,” said the spokesperson.

Earlier today, SDMC Sibu Division put up cubicles in Dewan Suarah Sibu, in case the place needed to be used as a quarantine centre. As there was no such necessity, the cubicles had since been dismantled.

He expressed disappointment over those who are spreading fake news when many on the ground are trying hard to find ways to meet the needs of the affected people and the best ways to solve the situation arising from the Pasai Siong Covid-19 outbreak where just today, 37 longhouse folks have been tested positive.

“It is just beyond understanding that why would someone try to create fake news at this time when we are fighting hard to contain the pandemic?  It is just not sensible.

“This is a war against Covid-19, not a war against ourselves and each other.  Please do not create war among ourselves but instead, help us to better help those affected by the pandemic,” said the spokesperson.  — DayakDaily

There is nothing in Dewan Suarah Sibu now. (Jan 9, 2021).