Petra Jaya missed Putrajaya’s performance of the year at UMNO convention



With the clock ticking, and the United Malays National Organisation (UMNO) convention in full swing, thousands of UMNO members attended and rallied in the Putra World Trade Centre (PWTC). In view that this will be UMNO’s last AGM before the war horns are sounded and the next PRU is called, the setting of this convention has been carefully staged to invoke sentiments among UMNO’s crème de la crème of each ‘kawasan’ (area).

All congregated in one big hall, everybody cannot help but notice the phrase ‘Bersatu Melayu’ (Malays United). Plotted right under UMNO’s logo, the phrase is given its prominence. The message is clear and this time, tastefully conveyed without any ‘keris’ in sight.

The phrase ‘Bersatu Melayu’ (Malays United) is prominently placed beneath UMNO’s logo at the party’s AGM.

In his speech, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak showcased his oratory skills to a whole new level, using emotion as the main connector between himself and his audience. Starting off normally, he addressed the crowd. Followed by the usual ‘kicking ass’ rhethoric, he condemned the opposition and re-instilled passion and camaraderie by evoking feelings of anger within the delegates. Then the delegates were pushed emotionally to a whole new low, when he pleaded with the hall full of UMNO supporters not to become paupers in their own ‘Tanah Melayu’, making them feel vulnerable and want to be comforted by none other but UMNO.

So emotional was his speech that some Wanita members were brought to tears as their president coaxed using his words, and pleaded with his expressions. According to one of the invited delegates, he thought “Najib would cry ‘at any time’ during the climax of the speech”; that was how convincingly sincere Najib seemed. From pleading, the UMNO president recovered quickly and radiated positive vibes that served to convince the delegates that together they can achieve the objective and survive the next political onslaught.

The many expressions of Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak during his address at the UMNO AGM.

Seated right in front of the hall facing the stage are the top guns of guns of Barisan Nasional (BN) component parties.

With invitations sent to the three (3) most important positions (president, deputy president and secretary-general) of each political party, the absence of representatives from the biggest political party in Sarawak is indeed obvious.

The front row of seats were reserved for top leaders of BN component parties — with notable absences from PBB.

An attempt was made to make PBB’s presence felt at the event, but a weak one, for PBB was represented by one lonely youth chief by the name of Datuk Seri Fadillah Yusoff. And what a pity! Because the biggest Malay political party in Borneo may have missed the emotional connection with the Prime Minister as far as his appeal to ‘Bersatu Melayu’ is concerned. — DayakDaily
