Over 1,500 to join 2.2km Sri Aman Gawai Dayak procession on May 20

Maraja (fifth left) presenting his association plaque to Uggah (fourth right) during a courtesy call recently.

KUCHING, May 5: More than 1,500 participants will attend the Sri Aman Gawai Dayak procession at Sri Aman town on the morning of May 20 this year.

Event organising chairperson Persatuan Penggerak Komuniti Sri Aman (RPKS) chairman Maraja Ngumbang said the procession would be along the main roads for a distance of 2.2km before ending at the starting point at the town.

He said the procession would feature participants wearing their colourful traditional costumes, which will be held after the ‘miring’ offering, thanksgiving ceremony, and the ‘gendang pampat’ performance.


Deputy Premier Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas was invited to officiate the function during a recent courtesy call by Maraja and other organising committee members.

Other guests include Sri Aman MP Dato Sri Doris Sophia Brodie, Balai Ringin assemblyman Datuk Snowdan Lawan, Simanggang assemblyman Datuk Francis Harden, Batang Ai assemblyman Datuk Malcolm Mussem, Bukit Begunan assemblyman Datuk Mong Dagang, and Lubok Antu MP Roy Angau Gingkoi.

According to Maraga in a statement today, the procession aims to showcase and preserve the Dayak culture and traditions, promote racial harmony and unity, and be a gesture of appreciation and thanksgiving following a successful harvest season.

The first such procession was held on May 27, 2017, with 1,000 participants and organised by Sri Aman District Community Leaders Association. — DayakDaily
