Newborn found in shopping mall dumpster

The baby boy being inspected by Miri Hospital personnel.

MIRI, March 30: A healthy newborn baby boy with his umbilical cord still attached was found alive inside a dumpster of a shopping mall here at Jalan Parry on Friday night (Good Friday).

The baby boy was found by a man who happened to visit the area to collect cardboard boxes for recycling around 9.20pm.

“At first I thought it was a cat making a crying sound when I approached the dumpster,“ said the man who wished to be named as Uncle Micheal when met by DayakDaily at the scene.


His curiosity aroused, Micheal tried to locate the source of the sound.

“I was surprised to see a baby inside the dumpster,” he said.

Micheal (right) with the newborn.

He immediately contacted the police for assistance.

The discovery attracted a large crowd at the scene.

Within minutes, the police arrived and cordoned off the area.

The baby boy was taken immediately to Miri hospital by ambulance. — DayakDaily
