Missing 59yo man in Kuala Baram feared to have been attacked by crocodile while fishing

Composite photo shoes items and a torn fishing net belonging to the missing man that was found at the location.

By DayakDaily Team

KUCHING, Sept 22: A 59-year-old man at Mile 4, Kuala Baram is feared to have been attacked by a crocodile while fishing.

According to a report from Sarawak Fire and Rescue Department (Bomba) operation centre today, they received a call regarding the incident at 5.59pm and deployed a team from Bomba Lutong to the location.


Based on information from family members, the man had gone to a nearby river to inspect his fishing net.

After he could not be be contacted, one of the family members went to look for him at the location and could not find him.

However, the man’s belonging were found laying on the river bank, including a torn fishing net and markings on the riverbank believed to be made by a crocodile.

After an initial search and rescue (SAR) operation failed to locate the man, one of the family members lodged a police report on the incident which prompted another SAR operation with firefighters.

The operation was later postponed at 7.28pm due to weather conditions and will be continued tomorrow. — DayakDaily
