Masing: Awang Raweng’s passing left big vacuum in hall of braves

The late Dato Awang Raweng.

KUCHING, Sept 18:  The passing of the late Dato Awang Raweng has left a big vacuum in the hall of the braves among the defenders of Malaysia.

Deputy Chief Minister Tan Sri Dr James Jemut Masing said this as he expressed regrets for the passing of Sarawak’s very own Iban hero who was also the only Malaysian ever awarded the George Cross Medal, Britain’s highest civilian award, for gallantry, as recorded in the London Gazette on Nov 20, 1951.

“He was, is and will be remembered as the bravest son of Sarawakians whose bravery knew no bounds,” said Masing who is also Infrastructure and Port Development Minister.


Awang Raweng passed away today at his residence in Sri Aman. Nicknamed “Tua Kampung” (the Chief), Awang Raweng who served as a jungle tracker for the British Army in Peninsular Malaysia between 1948 to 1960 was also the recipient of the Queen Elizabeth ii Coronation, Silver, Golden and Diamond Jubilee Medals.

Hailing from Nanga Skrang, the war hero who was entitled to attend Queen Elizabeth II’s birthday at Buckingham Palace, his last visit being 2018.

“Parti Rakyat Sarawak (PRS) helped him by providing funds for his passage and lodging to allow him to attend the Queen’s birthday.  That was when I met him personally.

“The Iban community gives high regard to gallantry.  Awang Raweng was the actual manifestation of Iban heroism and he will be missed by many for a long time,” said Masing who is also PRS president. — DayakDaily
