JKKKs told to compile financial reports on disbursal of govt funds to avoid disputes among longhouses

Safiee Ahmad

SIBU, July 8: Village Security and Development Committees (JKKK) and community leaders have been urged to practice transparency when implementing programmes that involve government funds so as to avoid disputes among longhouses.

Speaking to reporters after officiating a JKKK and community leaders course yesterday, Daro assemblyman Shafiee Ahmad said in order to prevent disputes among longhouses, JKKK and community leaders need to provide annual financial reports that involve longhouse activities.

“Among the causes of the split between the residents in the longhouses is the lack of transparency in them (JKKK) implementing programmes, especially through funds that have been distributed by elected representatives or the government,” said Shafiee.


He emphasised that this annual financial report should also include how government funds allocated to them are being used.

“The purpose of this is ensure that the programmes or activities implemented by the JKKK are in accordance with what have been planned. Doing this can repel any allegations, perceptions, or allegations related to the misuse of funds by certain parties,” he said.

Shafiee feared that dispute among the longhouses would only be to their disadvantage and a loss to everyone.

“Longhouse chieftains are officially appointed by the State government and they are given allowances where the number of rooms is not less than 20 doors.

“If they split, the State government would only recognise the existing Tuai Rumah and this would make it difficult for those who separated from the longhouses to continue enjoying the development programmes that have been planned in the area,” he said. — DayakDaily
