Health Minister: Immunocompromised children can get booster shot 28 days after last primary dose

Khairy Jamaluddin

KUCHING, April 25: Immunocompromised children aged between 12 and 17 can receive their Covid-19 booster shot at least 28 days after receiving the last dose of the primary vaccination series.

However, Health Minister Khairy Jamaluddin said that those who have completed the primary dose and have been infected with Covid-19 could only receive the booster shot after a three-month interval following full recovery.

“Individuals who are currently under treatment in government hospitals, private hospitals, private pediatric clinics, and health clinics with specialists which have become vaccination centres (PPVs) can be given additional doses opportunistically at such health facilities.


“For health facilities that do not operate as PPVs, the treating specialist must perform a pre-vaccination assessment (PVA) and subsequently refer to government hospitals, private hospitals, private pediatric clinics or health clinics with specialists operating as PPVs,” he said in a statement issued on April 22.

Khairy also said that adolescents who are eligible but not offered additional doses could be taken to see a treating physician to undergo PVA and subsequently referred to government hospitals, private hospitals, private pediatric clinics, or health clinics with specialists operating PPVs.

Meanwhile, individuals aged 18 and above who wish to go abroad may receive a second booster shot one month after receiving the first booster dose.

“They can walk in without an appointment at any operating PPVs by bringing relevant supporting documents such as proof of flight tickets or travel documents,” he added. — DayakDaily
