GE14: Pakatan Harapan targets at least 10 seats with Amanah delivering two

Mohd Fidzuan Zaidi

KUCHING, Jan 9: Sarawak Parti Amanah Negara (Amanah) is aiming to win two parliament seats in the upcoming polls, and together with its alliance partners PKR and DAP delivering at least 10 seats for the state Pakatan Harapan.

Its president Mhd Fizuan Zaidi said the Opposition coalition had finalised its seat allocations with Amanah contesting in the seats previously contested by PAS.

“We have submitted our list of potential candidates. Most of them are ex-PAS candidates and some are fresh candidates,” Fizuan told DayakDaily.


The five seats that Amanah will be contesting are Sibuti, Kota Samarahan, Batang Sadong, Igan and Tanjung Manis and Fizuan has high hopes to win two suburban seats.

“Pakatan Harapan can win at least 10 seats in the state, I can say this confidently,” he stressed.

State Pakatan Harapan leaders had announced that state PKR and DAP will go for seats each contested in the 2013 elections, while Amanah will go for seats contested by PAS.

In the 2013 general elections, PKR contested in Santubong, Petrajaya, Bengoh (formerly Mambong), Batang Lupar, Sri Aman, Lubok Antu, Betong, Saratok, Julau, Kanowit, Selangau, Ulu Rejang, Baram, Limbang and Miri.

DAP contested in Mas Gading, Bandar Kuching, Stampin, Serian, Sarikei, Sibu, Lanang, Mukah, Kapit, Bintulu and Lawas, while PAS went for Kota Samarahan, Batang Sadong, Tanjong Manis, Igan and Sibuti.

In GE13, DAP won five seats out of the 10 seats it contested, PKR won one seat out of 15 seats it contested and PAS lost all seats it contested.

Amanah, the splinter of PAS which was formed in 2016, had performed terribly in the last state election.

Amanah tried its luck in 13 seats in the 11th Sarawak state election and nine candidates lost their RM5,000 deposits except in Gedong, Semop, Balingian and Kakus.

When asked on Amanah’s dismal performance in the last state election, Fizuan said: “Last (state) election, we were just a six-month-old party but managed to gain quite a number of votes. But now we come with more preparation and the sentiment for change is very much alive because of the increase of cost of living.”

Other than the increasing cost of living, Fizuan said that Sarawakians are concerned about the bad economy including business closures, devaluation of ringgit, uncertainty of children’s’ future, and oil price, which would all become relevant election issues. — DayakDaily
