Four schools in Spaoh receive thermal scanners

Uggah (fourth left) and Robert (fourth right) posing for a group photo together with the various school headmasters and principals, and others after the handover ceremony today (July 26, 2020).

KUCHING, July 26: Four schools in Spaoh were provided with thermal scanners by Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah to help monitor students’ body temperatures in light of the Covid-19 pandemic.

According to Uggah in a statement today, the scanners will ensure a safer environment for students and staff.

“The monitoring of body temperatures of some 1,638 students in the four schools will begin tomorrow onwards, and for those schools with smaller (number of) students, they will also be provided with additional thermometer guns,” he said.


The thermal scanners, which was provided by Uggah through his Bukit Saban service centre, were presented to the respective school headmasters and principals, namely from SK Chung Hua (148 students), SK Nanga Gayau (99 students), SK Spaoh (398 students) and SMK Spaoh (993 students), today.

Also present during the handover ceremony were Betong MP Datuk Robert Lawson Chuat, political secretary to the Chief Minister Dr Richard Rapu, and Betong Education Office representative Emparie Tom. — DayakDaily
