KUCHING, April 15: It is hard to miss something when it is staring at you straight in the face, emblazoned against a bright luminous green background.
“What does it mean by ‘coquer’?” the Chinese press asked their counterparts from the English media at the Parti Rakyat Sarawak (PRS)
function ‘PRS Agro Empowerment Programme’ held at Damai Beach
Resort today.
The function is organised by PRS Youth as part of its efforts to prepare its members for the upcoming 14th General Election. Attendance was estimated to be about 300.
The above slogan was found printed on the apple green t-shirts which all attendees including PRS president Tan Sri Dr James Jemut Masing were wearing.
An English language expert was not neccessary to explain that the slogan is obviously a typo on the part of the company producing them.
The proper phase should be “Command, Conquer and Win GE14”.
The DayakDaily journalist who is attending the function noticed it immediately after taking a seat.
“I am not sure if the PRS people know about it or not but we press people noticed it already,” said our journalist.
Perhaps boys being boys were so engrossed with putting together a motivational skit for the event involving Batman and other costumed superheroes that they forgot to spellcheck.

However, other publicity materials on display at the event carrying the slogan did not contain the typo.
Meanwhile, attempts to reach Masing who is also Deputy Chief Minister
for comments was unfruitful as he is still at the function.
Aa of press time, he is in the midst of giving a speech.
Attempts will also be made to reach PRS youth chief Datuk Snowdan Lawan.
It is just a careless misprint and not a blunder of Mount Everest proportions. However, during this election period where the media can run full of boring news and commentaries, this is no doubt a piece of amusing news that may bring a
smile to your face on a lazy Sunday afternoon. — DayakDaily