CM: Batang Lupar Bridge, Batang Lupar II Bridge will improve road link between Kuching to Betong

Abang Johari puts his hands on a plasma ball to activate a gimmick while other dignitaries look on at the launching of Sada in Sri Aman on Oct 21, 2021.

By Nur Ashikin Louis

KUCHING, Oct 21: The completion of the coastal road stretch consisting of the Batang Lupar Bridge and Second Batang Lupar Bridge by 2025 will link Kuching to Betong via Sri Aman.

Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari Tun Openg said the 4.8km-long Batang Lupar Bridge, which will be the longest bridge in Malaysia, is expected to reach completion in the next four years.


Meanwhile, the 870m-long Batang Lupar 2 Bridge is currently under construction and media outlets have reported that it is expected to be ready by June 9, 2024.

“This means (the coastal road including the bridges will connect) from Kuching passing through Samarahan to Sri Aman as well as from Lingga up to Betong.

“This connectivity will enable us to open up more areas that we can develop,” he said when launching the Sri Aman Development Agency (Sada) in Sri Aman today.

Abang Johari also said that once the Pan Borneo Highway and Coastal Road Network projects are completed, a large-scale agricultural area in Sri Aman will be developed to pave a bright future for the agricultural sector in the Division within five years.

“What’s necessary is that we add value to the areas we have identified such as Banting and other nearby areas to become an agriculture hub,” he said, adding that one of the areas that will be opened up for agriculture is a loop road from Simunjan to Lachau.

Apart from upgrading the utilities and infrastructure in Sri Aman, he said Sada has also been requested to focus on generating employment opportunities and expanding the local economy.

In terms of tourism, he pointed out that Batang Ai, Lubok Antu and the surrounding areas have the potential to be developed as tourist destinations.

“We have Lanjak Entimau Wildlife Sanctuary near Sri Aman and Gunung Lesong in Lingga. The Sarawak Forestry Corporation (SFC) will work with other relevant parties to upgrade the tourism infrastructure of these places,” he added.

Abang Johari also disclosed that Sada’s proposed development plan for Sri Aman Division will involve a 10-year implementation period up to 2030 with a proposed total budget of RM4 billion. — DayakDaily
