Change Wisma Melayu Sarawak’s name to Wisma Kenyalang Sarawak

Brolin Nicholsion

KUCHING, Dec 11: Naming a wisma after certain races does not reflect a multicultural Sarawak and thus, DAP Serian branch chairman Brolin Nicholsion suggested that the state government change the name of “Wisma Melayu Sarawak” to “Wisma Kenyalang Sarawak”.

He was commenting about the Wisma Melayu Sarawak which Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari Tun Openg officiated the earth-breaking ceremony to mark the start of its construction at Jalan Diplomatik here yesterday (Dec 10).

The soon-to-be-home of Amanah Khairat Yayasan Budaya Melayu Sarawak (AKYBMS) will be a symbol of unity of the wider Malay and Bumiputera community in Sarawak.


“It is really beyond my comprehension to name a building after certain races when he (Abang Johari) is the Chief Minister of every Sarawakian and not only the Malay.

“If the head of GPS (Gabungan Parti Sarawak) government said that Wisma Melayu (Sarawak) is a symbol of unity, then what happened to the abandoned Rumah Dayak which building foundation was laid in 1997? Isn’t Rumah Dayak supposedly also be one of the symbols of unity in Sarawak?

“The Dayak and Chinese also contributed and sacrificed a lot for Sarawak, why are there no buildings for them?,” he questioned in a statement today.

Brolin pointed out that there was no room for bias in complimenting only a certain race as Sarawak is a diverse state where its people live in harmony and peacefully alongside each other.

Therefore, to honour and respect every Sarawakian, he urged the Chief Minister and the state government to change the name to Wisma Kenyalang Sarawak as Kenyalang can represent all Sarawakians.

“Just like how Abang Johari said that Sarawak cannot be led by one race and those given the authority must be fair to everyone and every race.

“A good government must walk the talk and provide equal opportunities to its citizens and not just good at promising everything,” he said.

Brolin hopes the government will consider his suggestion to change the name of Wisma Melayu Sarawak to Wisma Kenyalang Sarawak.

Meanwhile, the Wisma Melayu Sarawak was a manifestation of the dream of the late Pehin Sri Adenan Satem to have AKYBMS owned its own building.

Abang Johari stressed yesterday that the leadership of the state government from the past until today has always adopted a Sarawak-centric approach in governance because despite the difference in race and religion that divided the communities, “we are still one as Sarawakians”.

The Sarawak-centric policy, he added, was demonstrated in developments throughout Sarawak including a new building for Dayak Cultural Foundation at Ong Tiang Swee Road, Orang Ulu Cultural Centre in Miri as well as a building for the Bidayuh community. — DayakDaily
