DAP’s Bukit Semuja candidate committed to fighting for the many and not the few

Brolin Nicholsion Benedict Achung

KUCHING, Dec 16: As the youngest candidate from Sarawak Democratic Action Party (DAP) standing for election in the 12th Sarawak Election, Brolin Nicholsion wants to fight for the many and not the few.

The candidate for N23 Bukit Semuja expressed his commitment to bringing balanced and unbiased development to the people of the constituency.

“The N23 Bukit Semuja constituency is located within the transit town of Serian, where many stop by during long journeys towards the eastern areas of Sarawak.


“With this, Serian should be a prosperous town. However, it is yet to fulfil its potential,” said Brolin in a statement today.

Brolin listed down his five priorities for the constituency if he were to be elected as its assemblyman: ensure there is continuous development; provide free tuition for B40 families; empower the people’s voice by allowing them to elect local community leaders without political interference; bring to existence an inclusive and unbiased business sector within the next five years and to promote specialities from local villages; and to make sure welfare aid is channelled to those in need regardless of their political beliefs.

“For decades, under the rule of Barisan Nasional (BN) previously and now Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS), priority has always been given to the rich. As a local Bukit Semuja boy growing up in Kampung Koran Bari, I believe locals should have equal priority in all sectors, whether it is economic or education.

“I believe the fate and future of N23 Bukit Semuja lie within our hands. As one of the young people in the constituency, I believe we have to develop this place ourselves and that has driven me to get myself involved in politics,” he said.

He added that among the reasons voters should choose him is because of his language fluency in Bidayuh, Iban, Malay, English, and Mandarin, which makes it easy for him to communicate with constituents.

“I have been on the ground to study and understand the problems, needs, and aspirations of the people in the constituency for three years before my nomination as a candidate from DAP,” he said,

He explained that since 1990, Serian has been a stronghold for BN and now GPS, yet they have failed to provide basic needs for the people.

“For 58 years, most of the elected representatives in Sarawak have given priority to the rich, and the poor have been neglected. They only look for the poor come election, but for years, DAP has been committed to serving and standing up for the people regardless of their financial status.

“If the right person was elected to the State Legislative Assembly (DUN), he or she can be the voice for the voiceless and strength for the helpless. We shall see our beloved Sarawak prosper and all its citizens will reap the benefits.

“I humbly offer myself to the people of N23 Bukit Semuja and to call on the eligible voters to make their voices heard through the ballot this Saturday (Dec 18) and to vote for the right candidate.” — DayakDaily
